14 things great leaders say…

…and their impacts on the team.

Emotional intelligence is more than just a buzzword—it's a crucial skill that empowers leaders to communicate effectively and empathetically. Words have the power to build bridges, especially in leadership. Effective communication can be the key to choosing change and transforming a team's dynamic.

Imagine your team's potential when guided by a leader who knows exactly what to say to inspire and connect. Picture the shift in energy and productivity when key phrases are strategically used to uplift and direct. This is the power of leadership coaching.

In this article, you’ll have access to our 14 favourite phrases of impactful leadership that can make all the difference.

These carefully chosen words and expressions can enhance your leadership style and positively impact your team. Discover how these phrases can help you lead with empathy, boost morale, and drive your team towards success. Through the power of leadership coaching, learn how choosing change can elevate your team's performance.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." —Bill Gates

14 phrases great leaders say & their impact.

“I believe in you”

Say it, but most importantly mean it. This simple phrase carries so much weight. It instils confidence and trust that will empower your team to take on new challenges.

“What do you think?”

pausing at the sign of a problem or obstacle and asking “what do you think?” will encourage collaboration and show that every opinion is valued.

“Let’s explore this together”

Get ready to experience a more unified team experience and shared sense of purpose. This is your gateway into creating a sense of belonging.

"I appreciate your hard work”

If you are looking for a way to motivate and boost morale then saying this will do just that plus has the added benefit of acknowledging effort, as everyone has varying degrees of challenges in and out of work.

“How can I support you?”

If you value a culture of mutual support, then offering your assistance like this in an open-ended way is the first step.

“Thank you”

You don’t want to know how often this gets forgotten. No - seriously.
While we all know our roles, the work should never be assumed, and neither should the quality. Saying thank you not only expresses gratitude like you would outside the workplace but reinforces positive behaviours and everyone’s contributions.

“We can learn from this”

We all get setbacks - none of them should ever be personal - no matter how much was at stake. As a leader make sure to collect yourself and use this easy phrase to reframe setbacks as opportunities for growth. This will also reinforce resilience in the team and for yourself.

“Your success is our success”

This one is all about enhancing team spirit. While individual work is great, the team is a team for a reason and your job is to highlight the collective achievements your team deserves.

“Let’s focus on the solution”

As a leader, you’ve got to be damn good at shifting the perspectives of your team. helping them focus on the solution shifts problems to progress.

“I trust your judgment”

Are you ready to blow your mind? Saying and meaning this to a team member will change their world. You may be the first person to ever say this to them - what a gift! You’ll affirm their abilities, and their expertise while encouraging autonamy. And yes you can say this when addressing the whole team as well.

“You’ve made us all proud!”

If your team has had a breakthrough, it’s time to break this one out. It’ll celebrate accomplishments and inspire excellence in the next project.

“What can we do better next time?”

Your job is not to assign blame. Where has that ever got you? It’s about progress - regardless of who’s to blame. As a leader, you are there to promote continuos improvement, for yourself, your team and your company.

“Take the lead on this”

If you’ve got someone who needs a stretch project, or someone who needs a win to boost morale, then make sure you set them up for success. This will allow you to delegate and more crucially allow your team member to develop crucial leadership skills.

“I’m here to listen”

Believe it or not…this is your job! So to help bookmark this for yourself, express this. it’ll open channels of communication and ensure everyone is heard.

So there you have it.

Yes there are SO many more, and it’s great to see you’re ready to take on more.

Try to implement as many of this phrases as possible and work on them becoming part of your natural day to day. The results you’ll see are amazing.

If you are ready to take your leadership to the next level, or if you are ready to start becoming the leader you know you can be, then click here and book a call to level up and choose change for yourself and your team.


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