6 Steps to Interrupt Negative Thoughts Around Change

So you're looking around and realising something has to give. You've seen time and time again the harm you are doing to yourself by standing still, procrastinating and NOT stepping into the unknown. Because that’s the truth - you do want to change, you know it'll all be worth it, and maybe, just maybe, you'll actually be closer to living your dream if you take a leap and try something new.

But taking that first step, for many of us, is scary, its unknown and sadly 86% of us dont ever take that leap.

So as your coach, i'm going to give you 6 steps , that when followed and maintained will interupt those negative thoughts and allow you to start living a life full of good decisions.

Are you ready?‍

Step 1: Visualise how you want to feel/what you want to do.

Step 2: Answer "Why do you want to feel this way/do this thing?"

Step 3: What's stopped you from doing this? Wouldnt it be great if you could?

‍Step 4: If you dont change now, how would you feel?

Step 5: Do you want to pay the price for not changing and carry around this negativity?

Step 6: If you were to change, would you feel better?

Answer those 6 steps honestly, write them down and really look at your answers.

If you are serious about changing, get in touch and if it's your first time here, book a Discovery Call - It's free, and we can start changing your life from the very first minute we speak.


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