Lost Your Spark? How to Find Motivation in Tough Times

My Perspective and Approach 🎯

In today’s fast-paced world, many employees, founders, and executive leaders find themselves grappling with mental health challenges like burnout, anxiety, and stress. It’s no surprise that these issues often lead to a lack of motivation. The reasons can be as varied as the people affected—ranging from unclear goals and poor leadership to a lack of recognition, workplace toxicity, or even boredom.

As someone who practices positive psychology and makes a conscious choice to embrace joy every day, I’m not immune to these struggles. Motivation isn’t something that magically stays constant; it ebbs and flows, and that’s okay.

But what can you do when that spark fades?

Here’s what I say to both my clients and myself when motivation feels out of reach:

“What is your idea of success?”

👉 It’s not just about the tasks you check off your list; it’s about the passion and persistence you bring to the journey.

👉 Yes, the spark will fade sometimes, but that’s natural. Motivation isn’t always a roaring fire—it’s more like a flame that sometimes needs to be gently reignited.

👉 When you’re feeling low, focus on small, manageable steps and remind yourself that your work has meaning. Find the little things that inspire you, and let them fuel your next step forward.

👉 Above all, remember: You have the power to turn things around. Reflect on the great things you’ve already achieved, both for yourself and for others, and let that remind you of your capability.

Motivation isn’t just about moving forward—it’s about recognising the journey you’ve already made. In those moments of doubt, give yourself the grace to reignite the spark, no matter how small it may seem at first. With patience and purpose, you’ll find your drive again.


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